Millbourne Market Place


Millbourne Market Place is located at 38 Ave & Millwoods Rd 218 Millbour, Edmonton’s southside and east of the North Saskatchewan River.

Millbourne Market Mall’s many shopping centers provide goods and services on clothing and fashion, groceries, appliances, health and medicine, pets, dining and restaurant, movies and entertainment, grooming and beauty, computers services, travel and tours, and a lot more. For one, the latest trends on clothing and fashion for both men and women are found here. Available clothing specifics include wardrobe planning, shoes, ties, scarves, slacks and clothing care. Information about the latest fashion can also be checked out in fashion industry links and magazines found here.

Find out about grooming and beauty, personal care, makeup and grooming here. Get the right cosmetics for your skin, have the perfect hair care, skin care, hand and foot care. Some shops here also do tattoos and ear piercing.

Health services are also available including doctors and traditional medicine, dentists, counseling for mind healing, clinics and pharmacies, laboratory and non-traditional medical services.

Visit Millbourne’s Market Place, and you’ll be surprised by its many offerings and services.

May 19, 2016 |

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