The Weather in Edmonton


Canadian winters are known to be very severe, especially for people who’ve only known sunshine and suntan their whole lives. There are other cities, however,that get their fair share of sunlight and humidity as well. Edmonton stands out among the other provinces and cities in Canada for having an almost balanced mix of the weather extremes. So when visiting Edmonton, be sure to bring the kind of clothing appropriate to the season of your visit.


There are four seasons in Edmonton, but the winter season is the longest. Winters in Edmonton can generally be experienced from November to March. Edmonton occasionally experiences bouts of cold Canadian snowstorms. Still, the winter season in this city is fairly tolerable. Snow can be experienced in most months except in July when summer comes around. On clear winter nights, the Aurora Borealis can be regularly seen in the night skies.


Springtime comes around in the wild parklands of Edmonton as the snow caps slowly dissipate, making way for greenery to spread. The parklands and fertile farmlands in Edmonton experience a quick spring break in April’s 4.3 C that shoots up to 10.4 C by the month of May.


Te summer season can be felt with the rise in temperature and number of hours of sunlight. On record, the longest day in Edmonton is 17 hours and six minutes of daylight. Most Edmontonians favor this brief respite from the usual nippy air of their locality by hosting and participating in events and festivals such as the Heart of the City music festival.


After basking in the summer season’s sun, Edmontonians start to feel that chill in the air by September as August’s temperature of 15.1 C drops to a 10.1 C. Might as well find comfort in warm clothing by this time.

May 19, 2016 |

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