Edmonton Boarding Schools
0Edmonton creates a learning environment that also doubles as a second home through high-quality boarding schools, venues where students become a part of a bigger family. Edmonton, which is located in Alberta, Canada, recognizes the potentials of such schools.
The benefits offered by a boarding school
Edmonton’s boarding schools offer the same high quality education as their regular counterparts. Boarding schools can have as much variety as any other school. They are also able to provide counseling and challenging coursework. There’s more to boarding schools, however. Because of their unique setup, boarding schools form more intense interactions among schoolmates and between teachers and students.
This creates a sense of community, and of school pride. Students also become more responsible and more able to take care of themselves because of their physical separation from their parents or guardians.
Concordia High School
An example of an Edmonton boarding school is Concordia High School. Though the majority of its students are locals, it houses a number of international students.
The boarding school not only focuses on excellent academics, but also on a Christ-focused holistic education. It exposes students to the unique living conditions at a boarding school. Students learn to be independent, resourceful, and to become emotionally mature at a younger age.
Saint John’s School of Alberta
Edmonton residents can also send their children to Saint John’s School of Alberta, located in Stony Plains, Alberta. This boarding school for boys grades 7 to 12 accepts both boarding and day enrollees. However, it only accepts boarding students for grades 10 to 12. It accepts students with an average to above average learning potential.
Saint John’s provide the accepted boys a strong athletic program and community service focus. The school keeps the boys in order through these activities, and through regular drug testings. On the academic side, the school’s curriculum focuses on language arts and mathematics. The boys are taught Spanish as their second language.