Edmonton Movie Guide


If you are a film buff visiting Edmonton for the first time, do not worry. This Canadian city will not make you miss out on the best movies out there. What’s more, Edmonton can actually add a few more movies to your must-see list. This is because Edmonton offers not only Hollywood movies, but also limited releases of Canadian movies, foreign films, and independent or art house films.

Where to see your Edmonton movie

Choosing a movie theater in Edmonton depends on what sort of movie you want. It may also depend on the sort of environment you want to be in. If you like independent films, you can watch them in art house theaters that show only unique and sometimes quirky films. On the other hand, if you like hanging out at the mall, you can simply drop by the local cinemas.

Edmonton movie times

Make sure that you know what time movies start in the cinema of your choice. Note that while some cinemas begin operating at noon, some start in early evening.

Ratings guide for Edmonton movies

You can find Edmonton movie guides online for your convenience. These guides are quite complete, offering movies playing in theaters, movie times, and even ratings. Guides with appropriate ratings can help you figure out movies that are appropriate especially if you plan to bring your kids with you at the cinema. Online movie guides for Edmonton not only show the letter rating, but also the type of adult content found in the film, such as graphic violence or sexual themes.

May 19, 2016 |

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