Edmonton Concerts


Music lovers do not miss out anything in Edmonton. Besides hosting some pretty fun festivals, one of Alberta’s largest cities also hosts some exciting concerts. The concerts can be mellow or they can be hard rock. The variety responds to the needs of the multicultural residents of Edmonton. Edmonton locals constantly look for some music to listen to; one proof is the popularity of concerts at festivals.

Popular Edmonton concert venues

Festival venues have become popular sites for concerts. There are other venues, however, that are especially designed for music. Some popular Edmonton concert venues are the Edmonton Event Centre, Bar None, Rexall Place, and Bonnie Doon Hall. Bonnie Doon Hall is located in southern Edmonton, near one of the city’s major shopping malls. Rexall Place, on the other hand, is found near some of the city’s sporting facilities. If you are familiar with the mentioned places and other concert venues, you may just catch the performance of your favorite international or local artist.

Concerts at festivals

Many of Edmonton festivals showcase concerts that feature Albertan, national, and international artists. Such is the case with the Edmonton Blues Festival, where the best blues artist perform. For those who love folk music instead, visit Edmonton at the time of its Folk Music Festival. You will be hearing the best samples of folk music. If you want to experience international music, Edmonton is one of the best places to offer that. Edmonton is home to several ethnicities. These different ethnic groups come together during the annual Heritage Days Festival. Finally, you can hear a mix of several music genres at the popular Capital City Exhibitions, or Capital Ex. If you are asking about the Capital Ex, you may also use the name Klondike Days, as this may be how some people still call it.

May 19, 2016 |

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